1st Classroom Activity Turning Point
On February 22, my student mentor, Catherine, made a comment that read, "I really like this BINGO idea. I think it sounds a lot easier and actually possible for you to make. This activity also seems more helpful to your students, as they would be forced to solve the problems individually." That is when I really experienced a shift of ideas for my classroom activity. The first week I did not like my ideas at all so when I had posted my Bingo idea the second week, I was really hoping I would get a positive outcome with this idea.
After that week, the idea of creating a simple Bingo review game really started to grow on me. I was constantly thinking about how I was going to do it and what other activities I could put with the review in order to complete Dr. Baylen's assignment. As you can see from my past posts, the idea exploded into a cool little project that I had to continuously revise and make better. From that point, I knew I could help my students learn while having fun, as my teacher mentor corrected me! I am really glad that both my mentors gave me a thumbs up for my Bingo idea!
After that week, the idea of creating a simple Bingo review game really started to grow on me. I was constantly thinking about how I was going to do it and what other activities I could put with the review in order to complete Dr. Baylen's assignment. As you can see from my past posts, the idea exploded into a cool little project that I had to continuously revise and make better. From that point, I knew I could help my students learn while having fun, as my teacher mentor corrected me! I am really glad that both my mentors gave me a thumbs up for my Bingo idea!
From the beginning, I was very excited to see how your BINGO activity would turn out. Throughout the semester, I have watched as you developed this activity and took into consideration every small detail. Now that the end of the semester approaches, I can see that you have certainly grown as both a student and teacher through this class and this activity. I am grateful to have been a part of your blog, helping you to develop what has become a fun and invaluable classroom activity. Instilling creativity within a math project is difficult, and you were able to do just that. Be sure to hold onto this idea for future application throughout the rest of your educational coursework and even when you become a math teacher. Congratulations on persevering through this difficult class, and I just know you will one day become a helpful and inspiring math teacher! Once again, thank you for such a wonderful experience.
Hi Catherine!
Yes I am happy with this blogging experience, and am really thankful for your help! This assignment was one of the better ones because I was able to revise it and expand it each week, including more of your comments and suggestions. I will definitely be keeping this activity for future reference! I am glad you enjoyed this experience just as much as I have! Good luck with your career as well! You definitely know how to help students already and develope their critical thinking skills! :) Thanks again Catherine!
Hello annalb!
Thank you so much! I really am proud of all of my postings! I love to write and be creative. At first the experience was a little on the down side because I was not sure how I would develope this whole activity but having you and Catherine helped me so much! I have learned a lot about teaching and myself. Thanks again!
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