Thursday, March 02, 2006

Creating a Family Tree

In addition to my previous assignments I had posted for you all to see, I also completed a small family tree through Microsoft Word. It was a very short assignment and fairly easy to do. The project could be used to create idea webs for English class, or for creating an organizational chart of people, family, etc. Using the drawing tool bar, I began by inserting a shape. From there, I used "subordinate, coworker, and assistant" to create a family tree. After the outline was done, I used other shapes to build my legend. After that, I colored in the shapes with a variety of colors that matched my legend. It was fun and quick, but I actually prefer to draw out my own.

In high school for a final project I had to make, I created my own family tree by drawing a picture of a tree and then filling in my family in the branches and leaves. My tree for that project was definitely smaller though. The good thing about using Microsoft is that the program resizes the shapes so that as you continue to build the tree, or diagram, it fits all on one page. The frustrating part was trying to keep my tree the size I wanted. Because all the shapes are connected, I was not able to move them individually around so it was difficult trying to add the legend and my name to my document. The best of the whole project though, was grouping my family memebers. Although I was just adding in the names, certain memories were triggered for each person.

My family tree is just shown from my dad's side. If you would like to see how I created it, feel free to check it out!


Blogger Catherine said...

Your family tree activity sounds very interesting. This was not an activity I had the opportunity to do in Dr. Baylen's class. I would have liked to see yours, but I'm afraid the link to your family tree isn't working. Make sure that you typed the URL correctly. It might also be neat if your blog had more pictures on it. Make it more visually appealing. It's really easy to do, and it was something I always enjoyed doing with my blog. Let me know if you need any help.

3/03/2006 1:39 AM  
Blogger Julie V said...

Thank you for the note Catherine! I got it to work now and I am not sure why it was not working before. Yes, I have seen other blogs with pictures and thank you for your offering for help. Right now, it is really hard to do any extra stuff because of school and work but if I do decide and need help, I will definitely be asking! Thanks again!

3/03/2006 6:12 PM  

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