Friday, February 17, 2006

Education Milestones

"I loved second grade and I loved my teacher! Mrs. Bergman was very nice. The two things that stand out to me were Mr. Bear and our Writing Workshop. Sitting quietly in the circle, I waited anxiously for my name to be called. I wished this everyday as Mrs. Bergman pulled names from a wire basket. The prize was a weekend with Mr. Bear! I loved taking him home. It was so much fun writing in the small journal explaining what Mr. Bear and I did over the weekend. It really made me excited and I always tried my best to write neatly and spell correctly. The Writing Workshop also did those things for me, but more so fulfilled my creative piece of mind."

The above is an excerpt from my concept map I created a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed this assignment because I was able to use my organizational skills and write in detail! The concept map using inspiration was created as a web in which I designed with my own shapes, sizes and colors from my experiences. I had to think about what sort of details I could use to explain to my readers what it was that made this event important in my life. It came out a lot better when I could write it in paragraph form using a lot more detail. Although I am not in second grade, I realized I still enjoy to write.

The one lesson that I gained out of this project was that it is good to take time and just reflect back on life's events. When I first started to sit down and write, I had a hard time deciding what were the key experiences that I encountered that made an impact in my education. What I realized, is that all of life is a lesson and we do not stop learning. EVER! It is a life long process, whether we are in school or out. I guess why I really enjoyed that assignment was because I took a moment to scan through my life. It is important to do that from time to time and even share with others your experiences. My Concept Map contains a few other milestones if you would like to read them.


Blogger Julie V said...

Hi Annalb!

I appreciate your comment on my "reflection" post! I enjoy reading them. In regards to math class, I honestly do not see how I could use a concept map or any sort of technology for class. I guess just because I have been brought up around chalkboards and whiteboards, the only idea for a more in depth technology use is for history or english classes. I know calculators are big, and the more I think about it right now, I guess I could use a concept map for definitions of math terms and continue to expand them until the end of a chapter. Sort of place similar terms together for students to grasp one whole picture and review before the test. I have also seen teachers use a website where her students all logged into laptaps the school had and did a group race to see who finishes first.
What grade level do you teach and what subject?

2/20/2006 2:24 PM  

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